PDIP: Winning the 2024 Election through High Electoral Momentum
Jakarta, Semartara.News - The General Secretary of Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP), Hasto Kristiyanto, stated that the party's consistent high electoral standings in various surveys serves as a momentum for the collective movement of all party members and supporters to win the 2024 Election.
"All members and cadres of the party are becoming more enthusiastic and this is a momentum to continue working hard to win the 2024 Election. We cannot be complacent and must continue to work hard," said Hasto in a written statement received in Jakarta on Tuesday.
Hasto also highlighted several factors that contribute to the PDIP's high electoral standings in various surveys, ranging from 22% to 26%, including collective work, precise narratives, and real programs for the people. He stated that the PDIP is grateful that the collective work of all its members and supporters, guided by the ideology of Pancasila, is appreciated by the public.
"Besides the collective work of the party's members and supporters, the PDIP also has down-to-earth programs, such as planting 10 companion plants for rice, caring for the earth through green movements, cleaning rivers, preserving water sources, and caring for the environment, which are appreciated by first-time and millennial voters," he added.
According to Hasto, the PDIP's high electoral standings also stem from its humanitarian work through the Disaster Management Agency (Baguna). Baguna has proven to be the face of the party in helping people affected by disasters. Additionally, the National Cultural Agency of the PDIP (BKN PDIP) has been able to showcase creativity in building a culture of pride in Indonesian heritage. Moreover, the PDIP has a program to promote nationalism through the "Indonesia Loves Its Homeland" exercise program.
"From our internal party studies, the theme 'Strong Villages for an Advanced and Sovereign Indonesia' that was launched by Megawati Sukarnoputri at the 2022 National Working Meeting has been able to encourage party cadres to simultaneously go down to the villages. We are also consistent in conducting cadre training at party schools, which is appreciated by the public," he added. (Sayuti)